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Day 1
- FAA Update
- Transport Canada Update
- NASA Update
- ASCENT 001: Alcohol to Jet (WSU)
- ASCENT 001: Catalytic Hydrothermolysis (Purdue)
- ASCENT 001: Long-term CO2 Emissions Reduction Potential of Aviation Biofuels in the U.S.
- ASCENT 001: Economic Value of Feedstock Environmental Services (PSU)
- ASCENT 001: INW AJF Supply Chain (WSU)
- ASCENT 031A: Alternative Jet Fuels Tests & Evaluation (University of Dayton)
- NJFCP Updates: ASCENT 025-030, 034
Day 2
- ASCENT 022: Evaluation of FAA Climate Tools
- ASCENT 002: Non-Volatile PM Emissions Measurements
- ASCENT 020: Development of NAS wide and Global Rapid Aviation Air Quality Models
- ASCENT 039: Naphthalene Removal Assessment
- Ukraine Aviation Update
- ASCENT 010: Aircraft Technology Modeling and Assessment
- ASCENT 045: Takeoff/Climb Analysis to Support AEDT APM Development
- ASCENT 046: Surface Analysis to Support AEDT APM Development
- Student of the Year: Analytical Approach for Quantifying Noise from Advanced Operational Procedures
- Jody Endres Student Paper Competition – Nicolas Pinkowski
- ASCENT 003: Cardiovascular Disease and Aircraft Noise Exposure
- ASCENT 017: Pilot Study on Aircraft Noise and Sleep Disturbance
- ASCENT 023: Analytical Approach for Quantifying Noise from Advanced Operational Procedures
- ASCENT 043: Noise Power Distance Re-evaluation
- ASCENT 038: Rotocraft Noise Abatement Procedures Development
- ASCENT 040: Quantifying Uncertainties in Predicting Aircraft Noise in Real-World Situations
- ASCENT 041: Identification of Noise Acceptance Onset for Noise Certification Standards of Supersonic Airplane
- ASCENT 042: Acoustical Model of Mach Cut-Off Flight
- ASCENT 001: Oilseed Cover Crops and Their potential within Tennessee
- ASCENT 001: Alternative Jet Fuel Supply Chain: Tropical Region Analysis
- ASCENT 008: Noise Outreach
- ASCENT 011A: Rapid Fleet-wide Environment Assessment Capability
- ASCENT 015: Aircraft Operations Environmental Assessment: Cruise Altitude and Speed Optimization
- ASCENT 016: Airport Surface Movement Optimization
- ASCENT 018: Health Impacts
- ASCENT 019: Development of Aviation Air Quality Tools
- ASCENT 021: Improving Climate Policy analysis Tools
- ASCENT 026: Chemical Kinetics Modeling
- ASCENT 027: Advanced Combustion Tests
- ASCENT 028a & 28b: CFD Working Group – Lean Blowout Fuel Sensitivity
- ASCENT 033: Alternative Fuels Database
- ASCENT 034: NJFCP Area #7
- ASCENT 036: Parametric Uncertainty Assessment for AEDT 2b
- ASCENT 037: CLEEN II Technology Modeling and Assessment
- ASCENT 048: Analysis to Support the Development of an Engine nvPM Emissions Standards
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