white clouds above silhouette of clouds at day

Project 10 | Outreach


Project Category: Noise
Project Number: 10

The goal of the Outreach team is to provide educational information on aviation noise and to facilitate Outreach efforts by airports and community groups. The Outreach team has developed and released NoiseQuest, a Web site about aviation noise and its impact on communities. NoiseQuest provides an outreach forum for airports too small to have an established community program as well as information that supports existing outreach efforts. NoiseQuest was designed to educate and inform the public, and to provide an independent source of information that can help to contribute to improved airport-community relationships. NoiseQuest is “layered” so that information is available to people with differing interest levels. This allows users to access the amount of information they wish, so that some users are not overwhelmed by a page of text, and others are not disappointed that the information is sparse. NoiseQuest addresses the concerns of citizens in an easy to understand format.


The NoiseQuest site debuted in March 2009. The site will be expanded in coming months to include additional outreach information and downloadable handouts.


Florida International University
Pennsylvania State University
Purdue University


Kathleen Hodgdon, Pennsylvania State University, kkh2@psu.edu


Rick Riley Richard.G.Riley@faa.gov
Fabio Grandi (former manager)