Measurement of Emissions
Project 9’s objectives were to characterize the emissions (both small particles and condensable gaseous species) from aircraft and airports through measurements, understand and model the microphysical processes associated with particle formation, and determine the health effects of emissions.
Database of PM & HAPS emissions from aircraft, along with plume models.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Philip D. Whitefield, Director of Missouri S&T Center of Excellence for Aerospace Particulate Emissions Reduction Research, Missouri University of Science and Technology,
Carl Ma
• PM Emissions Measurements of In-Service Commercial Aircraft Engines during the Delta-Atlanta Hartsfield Study. Lobo, P., Hagen, D. E., Whitefield, P. D., Raper, D., Atmospheric Environment (2015), Vol. 104, 237-245.
• Delta – Atlanta Hartsfield (UNA-UNA) Study. Prem Lobo, Philip D. Whitefield, Donald E. Hagen, Max B. Trueblood, Nathan L. Mundis, Ian P. Magdits, Scott C. Herndon, Tim Onasch, John T. Jayne, Richard C. Miake-Lye, Wynn L. Eberhard, Roger Wayson. February 2008. Report No. PARTNER-COE-2008-002). Aviation particulate matter emissions research, previously known as UNA-UNA (Un-named Airline – Un-named Airport)) Study. There were two components to this study – a dedicated engine test and an airport study where advected plumes were sampled from commercial transports during normal airport operations. This report describes both measurement activities and shows the tremendous promise for a fresh perspective on the magnitude and nature of aviation emissions under real-world conditions, the analysis and interpretation of which was greatly informed by the dedicated engine tests. Download (.pdf 2.7M)
• Final Report: The Development of Exhaust Speciation Profiles for Commercial Jet Engines. Prem Lobo, Philip D. Whitefield, Donald E. Hagen, Scott C. Herndon, John T. Jayne, Ezra C. Wood, W. Berk Knighton, Megan J. Northway, Richard C. Miake-Lye, David Cocker, Aniket Sawant, Harshit Agrawal, J. Wayne Miller. Prepared for the California Air Resources Board and the California Environmental Protection Agency by the Center of Excellence for Aerospace Particulate Emissions Reduction Research, U. Missouri — Rolla; Aerodyne Research Inc.; University of California — Riverside. Download (.pdf 4.1M)
• Measurement and analysis of Aircraft Engine PM Emissions downwind of an active runway at the Oakland International Airport. Lobo, P., Hagen, D.E., and Whitefield, P.D., 2012, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 61, 114-123.