Project Number: 099
Category: Alternative Jet Fuel
This project analyzes cryogenic hydrogen distribution with airports. This analysis will lead to developing a cryogenic technology information on conceptual cryogenic delivery pathways to determine known technology limitations. This study considers liquid tanker deliveries, train tanker deliveries, cryogenic pipeline, and on-site liquefaction as potential pathways. The analysis will consider state-of-the-art performance estimates, realistically achievable estimates in the next five years, and ideal/limiting performance estimates. Some of the specific objectives that will be pursued include cryogenic hydrogen effects on demand modeling, hydrogen infrastructure sizing estimates, and hydrogen infrastructure safety analysis relevant to codes and standards. This project includes Site Selection Analysis for suitability to cryogenic hydrogen deliveries in accordance with a recently completed NREL study on gaseous hydrogen infrastructure at airports.
Last updated: 10/18/2024
The goal of this project is to create realistic cryogenic technology performance metrics that can be easily incorporated into hydrogen spatial distribution analyses being completed by other organizations.