

ACCESS 2Alternative Fuel Effects on Contrails and Cruise Emissions
A series of test flights studying the effects of alternative fuels on aircraft emissions was run by NASA and its research partners in 2014.

AEDTAviation Environmental Design Tool
An FAA software system models aircraft performance.

AHBAdvanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest
USDA-sponsored project researching and developing ways to grow and convert hybrid poplar trees into biofuels.

APMTAviation Environmental Portfolio Management Tool
Tool for computing the environmental impacts of aircraft operations

ASCENT – Aviation Sustainability Center

ASTM international – formerly American Society for Testing and Materials
International organization that defines and sets product standards.

BANOERACBackground Noise Levels and Noise Levels from En-Route Aircraft
European Aviation Safety Agency research project

BU Boston University

CAAFICommercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative
A coalition of airlines, aircraft and engine manufacturers, energy producers, researchers, international participants and U.S. government agencies that seeks to fuel solutions for secure and sustainable aviation

CAEPCommittee for Aviation Environmental Protection
A committee of the U.N. International Civil Aviation Organization that  formulates new policies and adopts new standards and recommended practices related to aircraft noise and emissions

CLEEN Continuous Lower Energy, Emissions and Noise
FAA NextGen program to accelerate development and commercial deployment of environmentally promising aircraft technologies and sustainable alternative fuels

CMAQCommunity Multiscale Air Quality tool
A computational tool for air quality management

EASAEuropean Aviation Safety Agency

FAA Federal Aviation Administration

GA – General aviation
The term for all non-military flying other than schedule passenger flights

Georgia TechGeorgia Institute of Technology

GHG – greenhouse gases

ICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organization
U.N. specialized agency to develop international standards and recommended practices for civil aviation

LCA – life-cycle analysis
A way of assessing the environmental impacts of a product at all stages

MASBIMidwest Aviation Sustainable Biofuels Initiative
A regional public-private partnership addressing biofuels and the supply chain

Missouri S&TMissouri University of Science and Technology

MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology

NARA Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance
A Washington State University-led alliance of private industry and educational institutions that takes a holist approach to building an aviation biofuel supply chain in the Northwest

NAS – National Airspace System
The system of airspace, airports and navigation facilities in the United States, as well as their associated policies and support systems

NextGen – Next Generation Air Transport System
The FAA’s comprehensive overhaul of the National Airspace System to enhance safety, reduce impacts to the environment, and ensure a more enjoyable experience for the millions of passengers who take to the skies every year

NJFCP – National Jet Fuels Combustion Program
An ASCENT/FAA effort to streamline ASTM International jet fuels approval process – see projects 025, 026, 027, 028, 029, 030 and 034

nvPM – non-volatile particulate matter
Small particles in aircraft emissions

OEM – original equipment manufacturer

OSUOregon State University

PARTNERPartnership for AiR Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction
An FAA Center of Excellence led by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Penn State Pennsylvania State University

PurduePurdue University

SAFNSustainable Aviation Fuels Northwest
An industry-university partnership facilitated by Climate Solutions

StanfordStanford University

UIUCUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

UDUniversity of Dayton

UNC Chapel HillUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

UPennUniversity of Pennsylvania

UTK – University of Tennessee, Knoxville

UWUniversity of Washington

WSUWashington State University