ACCESS 2 – Alternative Fuel Effects on Contrails and Cruise Emissions
A series of test flights studying the effects of alternative fuels on aircraft emissions was run by NASA and its research partners in 2014.
AEDT – Aviation Environmental Design Tool
An FAA software system models aircraft performance.
AHB – Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest
USDA-sponsored project researching and developing ways to grow and convert hybrid poplar trees into biofuels.
APMT – Aviation Environmental Portfolio Management Tool
Tool for computing the environmental impacts of aircraft operations
ASCENT – Aviation Sustainability Center
ASTM international – formerly American Society for Testing and Materials
International organization that defines and sets product standards.
BANOERAC – Background Noise Levels and Noise Levels from En-Route Aircraft
European Aviation Safety Agency research project
BU – Boston University
CAAFI – Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative
A coalition of airlines, aircraft and engine manufacturers, energy producers, researchers, international participants and U.S. government agencies that seeks to fuel solutions for secure and sustainable aviation
CAEP – Committee for Aviation Environmental Protection
A committee of the U.N. International Civil Aviation Organization that formulates new policies and adopts new standards and recommended practices related to aircraft noise and emissions
CLEEN – Continuous Lower Energy, Emissions and Noise
FAA NextGen program to accelerate development and commercial deployment of environmentally promising aircraft technologies and sustainable alternative fuels
CMAQ – Community Multiscale Air Quality tool
A computational tool for air quality management
EASA – European Aviation Safety Agency
FAA – Federal Aviation Administration
GA – General aviation
The term for all non-military flying other than schedule passenger flights
Georgia Tech – Georgia Institute of Technology
GHG – greenhouse gases
ICAO – International Civil Aviation Organization
U.N. specialized agency to develop international standards and recommended practices for civil aviation
LCA – life-cycle analysis
A way of assessing the environmental impacts of a product at all stages
MASBI – Midwest Aviation Sustainable Biofuels Initiative
A regional public-private partnership addressing biofuels and the supply chain
Missouri S&T – Missouri University of Science and Technology
MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
NARA – Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance
A Washington State University-led alliance of private industry and educational institutions that takes a holist approach to building an aviation biofuel supply chain in the Northwest
NAS – National Airspace System
The system of airspace, airports and navigation facilities in the United States, as well as their associated policies and support systems
NextGen – Next Generation Air Transport System
The FAA’s comprehensive overhaul of the National Airspace System to enhance safety, reduce impacts to the environment, and ensure a more enjoyable experience for the millions of passengers who take to the skies every year
NJFCP – National Jet Fuels Combustion Program
An ASCENT/FAA effort to streamline ASTM International jet fuels approval process – see projects 025, 026, 027, 028, 029, 030 and 034
nvPM – non-volatile particulate matter
Small particles in aircraft emissions
OEM – original equipment manufacturer
OSU – Oregon State University
PARTNER – Partnership for AiR Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction
An FAA Center of Excellence led by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Penn State – Pennsylvania State University
Purdue – Purdue University
SAFN – Sustainable Aviation Fuels Northwest
An industry-university partnership facilitated by Climate Solutions
Stanford – Stanford University
UIUC – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
UD – University of Dayton
UNC Chapel Hill – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
UPenn – University of Pennsylvania