Aerial View of an airplane flying over a city with a river.

Novel Noise Linear Development Enabled by Advance Manufacturing

Project Number: 079
Category: Noise

The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) and its Applied Research Laboratory (ARL) in collaboration with its industrial partner, Raytheon Technologies Research Center (RTRC), and government collaborator, NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) will help the FAA develop and advance innovative engine acoustic liner technology to meet the demands of low noise for future aircraft. The team will develop and demonstrate a methodology to design and manufacture novel lattice structures that enhance noise attenuation in aircraft engines. Analysis and experimental testing will be used to understand the effect of geometry and feature size of the lattices to control noise while ensuring the manufacturability of these complex structures in different materials. Advanced manufacturing technologies will be used to enable rapid design‐build‐test cycles for design development, including assessment of structural integrity and acoustic performance. Promising engine liner designs and their performance will be documented and archived for the FAA to aid future advancements in aircraft engine noise reduction.


With aircraft engines trending toward more compacts designs with ultra‐high bypass ratios, lower fan pressure ratios, and lower blade pass frequency, engine acoustic liners have to be more effective to maintain current noise levels, let alone support additional reductions in noise. To be effective, engine liners of the future will need to reduce noise at lower frequencies, over a broader frequency range, and do so with less space in the nacelle (axial extent and thickness). This project will develop novel engine acoustic liner technology targeted to meet these new engine requirements. This program will seek to develop and evaluate the performance of novel acoustic liners based on complex lattice structures that are enabled by advanced manufacturing technologies. A methodology will be established to account for critical design parameters and accompanied by experimental test data to advance the next generation of acoustic liners that address these noise and fuel burn technical challenges of future aircraft.

Last Updated 10/19/2021

Annual Reports

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