Download by Project
- A01A: Alternate Jet Fuel Supply Chain Analysis .PDF
- A01A: Supply Chain Resilience Assessment .PDF
- A01A: Wildfire Risk Assessment for a Supply Chain System .PDF
- A01B: Assessment of Energy Crops for SAF in Hawaii (and the tropics) .PDF
- A01B: Construction & Demolition Waste Regional Project .PDF
- A01D: Sustainable Aviation Fuel Development: Law, Policy and the Blender’s Tax Credit .PDF
- A01E: Alternative Jet Fuel Supply Chain Analysis – Amendment 16 .PDF
- A002: Re-Examination of Engine to Engine PM Emissions variability using an ARP Reference Sampling and Measurement System .PDF
- A003: Cardiovascular Disease and Aircraft Noise Exposure .PDF
- A019: Development of Aviation Air Quality Tools for Airport Specific Impact Assessment .PDF
- A023: Analytical Approach for Quantifying Noise from Advanced Operational Procedures .PDF
- A025: Rapid IR Fuel Screening .PDF
- A033: Alternative Jet Fuel Test Database Library .PDF
- A034: Integration and Coordination of the National Jet Fuels Combustion Program .PDF
- A044: Aircraft Noise Abatement Procedure Modeling and Validation .PDF
- A046: Surface Analysis to Support AEDT Aircraft Performance Model (APM) Development .PDF
- A049: Urban Air Mobility Noise Reduction Modeling .PDF
- A050: Over-Wing Nacelle (OWN) Placement Evaluation .PDF
- A051: Combustion Concepts for Next-generation Aircraft Engines .PDF
- A054: AEDT Evaluation andDevelopment Support .PDF
- A056: Turbine Cooling through Additive Manufacturing .PDF
- A062: Noise Model Validation for AEDT .PDF
- A064: Alternative Design Configurations to Meet Future Demand .PDF
- A066: Evaluation of Engine Fuel Burn and Thermal Management Benefits with Use of High Thermal Stability Fuels .PDF
- A067: Impact of Fuel Heating on Combustion and Emissions .PDF
- A068: Combustor Wall Cooling with Dirt Mitigation and Combustor Simulator .PDF
- A069: Transitioning a Research nvPM Mass Calibration Procedure to Operations .PDF
- A071: Predictive Simulations of nvPM Aircraft Emissions .PDF
- A072: Aircraft noise exposure andmarket outcomes in the U.S. .PDF
- A073: Fuel Composition Impact on Combustor Durability .PDF
- A074: Low Emission Premixed Combustion Technology for Civil Supersonic Transport (CST) .PDF
- A075: Improved engine fan broadband noise prediction capabilities .PDF
- A077: Measurements to Support Noise Certification for UAS/UAM Vehicles and Identify Noise Reduction Opportunities .PDF
- A081: nvPM emissions size and number measurement and prediction methodologies from a modern combustor and engine .PDF
- A082A: CAEP Stringency Analysis Modeling .PDF
- A082B: Cost models in support of CAEP Stringency Analyses .PDF
- A091A: Environmental Impacts of High Altitude and Space Vehicle Emissions .PDF
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