- A Streamlined Approach to Hybrid-chemistry Modeling for a Low Cetane-number Alternative Jet Fuel
- On Estimating Physical and Chemical Properties of Hydrocarbon Fuels using Mid-infrared FTIR Spectra and Regularized Linear Models
- Multi-wavelength Speciation of High-temperature 1-butene Pyrolysis
- A Multi-wavelength Speciation Framework for High-temperature Hydrocarbon Pyrolysis
- A New Method of Estimating Derived Cetane Number for Hydrocarbon Fuels
- A Physics-based Approach to Modeling Real-fuel Combustion Chemistry–IV. HyChem Modeling of Combustion Kinetics of a Bio-derived Jet Fuel and its Blends with a Conventional Jet A
- A Shock Tube Study of Jet Fuel Pyrolysis and Ignition at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures
- A Physics-based Approach to Modeling Real-fuel Combustion Chemistry - II. Reaction Kinetic Models of Jet and Rocket Fuels
- A Physics-based Approach to Modeling Real-fuel Combustion Chemistry - I. Evidence from Experiments, and Thermodynamic, Chemical Kinetic and Statistical Considerations
- Shock Tube Study of Jet Fuel Pyrolysis and Ignition at Elevated Pressure
- Shock Tube/Laser Absorption Measurements of the Pyrolysis of a Bimodal Test Fuel
- Ignition Delay Time Correlations for Distillate Fuels
- Shock Tube Measurements of Species Time-Histories during Jet Fuel Pyrolysis and Oxidation