- Broadband Noise Modulation of Multirotor Aircraft
- Time-Varying Broadband Noise of Multirotor Aircraft
- Understanding Takeoff and Landing Noise for Small Multirotor Vehicles.
- Investigation of Departure Transition Noise for Lift-plus-cruise eVTOL Aircraft
- Determining the Acoustic Far Field for Multirotor Aircraft
- Time Variation of Helicopter Rotor Broadband Noise
- An Investigation of Piloting and Flight Control Strategies on Generic eVTOL Noise
- Variation in Helicopter Noise During Approach Maneuvers
- A New Distributed Electric Propulsion Aircraft Simulation Tool for Coupled Flight Dynamics, Free Wake, and Acoustic Predictions
- Time Variation of Rotor Broadband Noise
- Developing a Comprehensive Noise Prediction System for Generating Noise Abatement Procedures
- Validation of Helicopter Noise Prediction System with Flight Data
- Rotorcraft Simulations with Coupled Flight Dynamics, Free Wake, and Acoustics
- Tools for Development and Analysis of Rotorcraft Noise Abatement