CLEEN II Technology Modeling and Assessment

Project Number: 037
Category: Aircraft Technology Innovation, Tools

The objective of this research project is to support the FAA by independently modeling and assessing the technologies that are being developed under the CLEEN II program. This involves direct coordination and data sharing with companies developing technologies under CLEEN II, in order to accurately model the environmental benefits of these technologies at the vehicle and fleet levels. Goals of this project include the vehicle and fleet level assessments of fuel burn, emissions, and noise benefits for the aircraft and engine technologies funded for development under CLEEN II. To date, the Georgia Institute Technology (Georgia Tech) has completed modeling activities with Aurora Flight Sciences, Boeing, and Delta/MDS/America’s Phenix, GE, and Collins. This modeling process includes the validation of underlying Environmental Design Space software (EDS) models for the various CLEEN II technologies. The current funded phase of work is finalizing CLEEN II fleet assessments for existing technologies.

Last Updated 7/19/2023


Fleet level assessments of fuel burn, emissions, and noise for CLEEN II’


Data Access Information

Data generated to date is proprietary.

Annual Reports

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