Project Number: 065A
Category: Alternative Fuels
This task will establish a tiered prescreening process for new alternative jet fuels to obtain approval through ASTM International. All jet fuel is required to meet ASTM standards to ensure they are safe for use in airframe and fueling systems. There is considerable uncertainty for alternative jet fuel producers regarding the timeframe and amount of fuel required to obtain ASTM approval. This prescreening process, although not formally part of the ASTM approval and evaluation process, can be used to inform alternative fuel producers prior to entering the ASTM D4054 qualification process by providing early indications of blend limits and operability challenges with their fuel. Based on previous ASCENT work, the research team proposed a three-tiered prescreening approach requiring significantly reduced fuel volumes, (i.e., a few gallons of fuel as opposed to roughly a hundred gallons). Specifically, ASCENT P065a will develop two tiers of prescreening evaluation, with ASCENT P065b focusing on a third (M1 combustor evaluation). These novel testing approaches can then be used both in current pre-screening activities.
Specifically, ASCENT P065a will focus on further developing tier α and β test methods which can help minimize the fuel volume needed for testing and improve a fuels potential for meeting ASTM approval criteria. Tier α refers to low-volume analytical testing approaches (i.e., GCxGC, NMR, and IR analytical testing). Tier β tests focus on testing the physical and chemical properties rather than predicting those key properties from GCxGC methods. Tier β testing, as a result, requires additional fuel volume beyond Tier α.
A tiered prescreening process for new alternative jet fuels using low fuel volumes that will improve the potential for meeting ASTM approval criteria. This work lowers the TRL at which meaningful information can be provided to fuel producers, while simultaneously strengthening their readiness for the approval process.
Last Updated 9/26/2022
Annual Reports
Lead Investigators
Program Managers
- Assessing the Effect of Composition on Dielectric Constant of Sustainable Aviation Fuel
- Dielectric Constant Predictions for Jet-Range Hydrocarbons: Evaluating the Clausius–Mossotti Relation and Correcting for Molecular Dipole Moments
- Perspective on Fuel Property Blending Rules for Design and Qualification of Aviation Fuels: A Review
- Volatility Measurements of Sustainable Aviation Fuels: A Comparative Study of D86 and D2887 Methods
- Quantitation of Olefins in Sustainable Aviation Fuel Intermediates using Principal Component Analysis Coupled with Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
- Quantifying isomeric effects: A key factor in aviation fuel assessment and design
- Maximizing Sustainable Aviation Fuel Usage Through Optimization of Distillation Cut Points and Blending
- Measurements of Nitrile Rubber Absorption of Hydrocarbons: Trends for Sustainable Aviation Fuel Compatibility
- Limits of Identification Using VUV Spectroscopy Applied to C8H18 Isomers Isolated by GC×GC
- Error Quantification of the Arrhenius Blending Rule for Viscosity of Hydrocarbon Mixtures
- A Data Set Comparison Method Using Noise Statistics Applied to VUV Spectrum Match Determinations
- Blend Prediction Model for the Freeze Point of Jet Fuel Range Hydrocarbons
- Synthetic Aromatic Kerosene Property Prediction Improvements with Isomer Specific Characterization via GCxGC and Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
- Threshold Sooting Index of Sustainable Aviation Fuel Candidates from Composition Input Alone: Progress Toward Uncertainty Quantification
- Lower Heating Value of Jet Fuel from Hydrocarbon Class Concentration Data and Thermo-Chemical Reference Data: An Uncertainty Quantification
- Towards Fuel Composition and Properties from Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization and Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
- A GC × GC Tier Combustor Operability Prescreening Method for Sustainable Aviation Fuel Candidates