National Jet Fuels Combustion Program – Area #7: Overall Program Integration and Analysis

Project Number: 034
Category: Alternative Fuels

This project will integrate the efforts of the National Jet Fuel Combustion Program’s six areas (ASCENT 025-030), ensuring the program’s stated goals are achieved through collaboration among the groups.

This will ensure the goals and tasks outlined in the program are carried out on schedule and that data is shared between the researchers. The effort also will oversee the integration and archiving of data that is generated from the NJFCP program.

Last Updated 6/16/2020

Industrial Partners

  • GE
  • Williams
  • Honeywell
  • Rolls-Royce
  • United Technologies Research Center/ Pratt & Whittney


  • CRC Aviation Committee Meeting May 2015
  • FAA ASCENT March 2015
  • US Joint States Meeting of the Combustion Institute May 2015

Annual Reports

Final Report

Lead Investigators

Program Managers
