Purdue University
Interests in ASCENT:
- Aircraft Technology Modeling
- Alt Jet Fuel Analysis
- Operational Procedures
Dan DeLaurentis
- Impact of Fuel Heating on Combustion and Emissions
- Quantifying Uncertainties in Predicting Aircraft Noise in Real-world Situations
- National Jet Fuels Combustion Program – Area #5: Atomization Tests and Models
- Aircraft Technology Modeling and Assessment
- Noise Emission and Propagation Modeling
- Alternative Jet Fuel Supply Chain Analysis
Lead Investigators
- Assessment of Global Land Cover Changes using Satellite Data: Intermittent and Long-term Land Cover Changes from 2001 to 2020
- Laser-Induced Incandescence Measurements in a High-Pressure Swirl-Stabilized Flame
- Fuel Temperature Effects on Combustion Stability of a High-Pressure Liquid-Fueled Swirl Flame
- Biofuels Induced Land Use Change Emissions: The Role of Implemented Land Use Emission Factors
- Fleet-Level Impacts of Commercial Supersonic Aircraft Models Considering a Worldwide Route Network
- Effect of Fuel Temperature on the Structure of a High-Pressure Liquid-Fueled Swirl Flame
- Modeling Hybrid-Electric Aircraft and their Fleet-Level CO2 Emission Impacts
- Oilseed Cover Crops for Sustainable Aviation Fuels Production and Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Land Use Savings
- Effects of demand-side restrictions on high-deforestation palm oil in Europe on deforestation and emissions in Indonesia
- Denoising and Fuel Spray Droplet Detection from Light-scattered Images using Deep Learning
- Quantitative Policy Analysis for Sustainable Aviation Fuel Production Technologies
- Estimating the Reduction in Future Fleet-Level CO2 Emissions From Sustainable Aviation Fuel
- Spray Characteristics of Standard and Alternative Aviation Fuels at High Ambient Pressure Conditions
- CORSIA: The First Internationally Adopted Approach to Calculate Life-cycle GHG Emissions for Aviation Fuels
- The Increasing Global Environmental Consequences of a Weakening US–China Crop Trade Relationship
- Subtraction Analysis for Predicting the Propagation Effects of Aircraft Noise
- Effect of Fuel Temperature on Emissions and Structure of a Swirl-Stabilized Flame
- Investigating How Commercial Supersonic Aircraft Operations Might Impact Subsonic Operations and Total CO2 Emissions
- Spray Characteristics of Standard and Alternative Aviation Fuels at Cold-start Conditions
- Non-reacting Spray Characteristics of Alternative Aviation Fuels at Gas Turbine Engine Conditions
- Estimating Induced Land Use Change Emissions for Sustainable Aviation Biofuel Pathways
- Technological Progress in US Agriculture: Implications for Biofuel Production
- A Novel Data-driven Design Paradigm for Airline Disruption Management
- Land Use in Computable General Equilibrium Models
- On the Three-dimensional Sound Fields from a Moving Monopole Source Above a Non-locally Reacting Ground
- US Biofuel Production and Policy: Implications for Land Use Changes in Malaysia and Indonesia
- Predicting Routes for, Number of Operations of, and Fleet-level Impacts of Future Commercial Supersonic Aircraft on Routes Touching the United States
- Nonreacting Spray Characteristics for Alternative Aviation Fuels at Near-Lean Blowout Conditions
- High-performance Computing Model for a Bio-fuel Combustion Prediction with Artificial Intelligence
- Propagation of En-Route Aircraft Noise
- Improving the Way Land Use Change is Handled in Economic Models
- On the Sound Field from a Source Moving Above Non-locally Reacting Grounds
- Experimental Study of Spray Characteristics at Cold Start and Elevated Ambient Pressure using Hybrid Airblast Pressure-Swirl Atomizer
- Quantifying Breakeven Price Distributions in Stochastic Techno-Economic Analysis — A Case of Cellulosic Biofuel Production from Fast Pyrolysis and Hydroprocessing Pathway
- Uncertainties due to Doppler's Shift on Aircraft Noise Prediction
- A Comprehensive Analysis of Estimating Land Use Change Emissions Induced By Global Aviation Biofuels Production Using Economic Equilibrium Models
- Lean Blow-out (LBO) Computations in a Gas Turbine Combustor
- Numerical Simulation of Flow Distribution in a Realistic Gas Turbine Combustor
- A Numerical Study of Flame Characteristics during Lean Blow-Out in a Gas Turbine Combustor
- A Multi-fidelity Approach to Address Multi-objective Constrained Mixed-discrete Nonlinear Programming Problems with Application to Greener Aircraft Design
- Fleet-Level Environmental Assessments for Feasibility of Aviation Emission Reduction Goals
- A Stochastic Techno-economic Analysis of the Catalytic Hydrothermolysis Aviation Biofuel Technology
- An Exploration of Agricultural Land use Change at the Intensive and Extensive Margins: Implications for Biofuels Induced Land Use Change
- Large Eddy Simulation of Pilot Stabilized Turbulent Premixed CH4+Air Jet Flames
- Comparison of Premixed Flamelet Generated Manifold Model and Thickened Flame Model for Bluff Body Stabilized Turbulent Premixed Flame
- An Investigation of the Spray Characteristics of Standard and Alternative Fuel Sprays from a Hybrid Airblast Pressure-Swirl Atomizer Operating at Lean Blowout and Chilled Conditions Using Phase Doppler Anemometry
- An Investigation of Alternative Aviation Fuel Spray Characteristics at Lean Blowout Conditions Using Hybrid Air-Blast Pressure-Swirl Atomizer
- Optimization Problem Formulation Framework with Application to Engineering Systems
- The Impact of Considering Land Intensification and Updated Data on Biofuels Land Use Change and Emissions Estimates
- Prediction and Reduction of Aircraft Noise in Outdoor Environments
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Bioenergy
- A Model of Aircraft Retirement and Acquisition Decisions Based On Net Present Value Calculations
- A Multipole Expansion Technique for Predicting En-route Aircraft Noise
- Stochastic techno-economic analysis of alcohol-to-jet fuel production
- Spray Measurements at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures Using Phase Doppler Anemometry
- The Costs of Production of Alternative Jet Fuel: A Harmonized Stochastic Assessment
- Quantifying Breakeven Price Distributions in Stochastic Techno-economic Analysis
- Fleet Level Environmental Evaluation of Emission Taxing Scheme and Biofuel: A Combined Optimization and Multi-Actor Approach
- Sound Fields Generated by a Monopole Point Source Moving above a Locally Reacting Surface
- Stochastic Techno-economic Evaluation of Cellulosic Biofuel Pathways
- Sound Field Predictions for a Monopole Source Moving Uniformly in a Stratified Medium Above an Impedance Plane
- Field to Flight: A Techno-Economic Analysis of Corn Stover to Aviation Biofuels Supply Chain