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Noise Model Validation for AEDT

Project Number: 062
Category: Noise, Tools

The focus of this project is to assess the accuracy of the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) in estimating noise in both the vicinity of airports and further afield. AEDT noise modeling is based on the Integrated Noise Modeling (INM) tool, which has undergone a number of validation and verification efforts, specifically at Denver International Airport (DIA).  Validation and verification efforts showed continually improving agreement of modeling outputs with measurement data. During the development of AEDT, multiple algorithm updates have occurred and this project seeks to quantify the new noise modeling capabilities based on comparison to field measurement data from DIA and other airport monitoring systems. The research team will develop a detailed model validation plan, review the plan with the FAA for concurrence, execute the plan, and provide recommendations for future AEDT development. The research, once completed, is expected to provide a noise model validation benchmark that can be used to respond to questions on AEDT noise prediction accuracy and to allow the tool development team to prioritize further development of modeling features and enhancements. The research team will also collaborate with Pennsylvania State University on the assessment of the noise propagation assumptions and the use of higher fidelity weather data.


The research will provide a noise model validation benchmark that can be used to respond to questions on AEDT noise prediction accuracy. It will also provide an assessment of the noise modeling capability of fixed wing aircraft with the current version of the public release of AEDT and recommendations on possible improvements for future version releases that enhance the predictive capability with respect to real world measurement data.

Last Updated 9/20/2022

Annual Reports

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