Project Number: 023
Category: Operations
The purpose of this project is to develop a method for improving the fidelity, accuracy, and utility of noise analysis techniques for the development and environmental review of advanced operational procedures. Aircraft noise is generated through a combination of engine and aerodynamic sources. Traditional noise analysis techniques such as the Aviation Environmental Design Tool model noise using a Noise Power Distance method, which does not fully capture aerodynamic and velocity effects.
An alternative physics-based modeling approach has been developed to capture higher-fidelity noise impacts. The new framework can be used to evaluate noise from arriving and departing aircraft, including both engine and aerodynamic sources.
Advanced procedures have the potential to reduce aircraft noise using several methods including lateral track management (noise-preferred routes and track dispersion or concentration), vertical profile management, or speed and configuration management. For example, departing aircraft generate louder airframe noise as velocity increases:
Advanced departure procedures may achieve quieter noise using this effect by climbing initially at lower speeds than current standards.
By analyzing procedure concepts such as these, noise reduction potential can be calculated at specific airports and for individual aircraft types. Similar analysis may be performed on a wide set of possible future arrival and departure procedures.
- Analysis framework and method capable of evaluating noise from advanced operational procedures
- Set of noise-minimizing procedure concepts with potential application throughout the National Airspace System
- Identification of key constraints and opportunities for noise-minimizing advanced operational procedures
- Analysis of one or more location-specific procedure sets in partnership with impacted stakeholders
- Improved understanding on noise impacts from flight track concentration and dispersion arising from PBN arrival and departure procedures
Last Updated 7/19/2023
Annual Reports
- 2015 Annual Report
- 2016 Annual ReportĀ
- 2017 Annual ReportĀ
- 2018 Annual Report
- 2019 Annual Report
- 2020 Annual Report
- 2021 Annual Report
- 2022 Annual Report
- 2023 Annual Report
Lead Investigators
Program Managers
- Implementation Analysis of Low-Noise Performance-Based Navigation Flight Procedures at Boston Logan Airport
- Operational Noise Abatement through Control of Climb Profile on Departure
- Analysis of the Implementation of Low-Noise PBN Flight Procedures at Boston Logan Airport
- Aircraft Takeoff and Landing Weight Estimation From Surveillance Data
- Increasing Flexibility in the Design and Operation of Instrument Flight Procedures
- Identifying, Visualizing and Communicating Constraints in PBN Flight Procedure Design
- Development of a Fast Method to Analyze Patterns in Airport Noise
- Block 2 Procedure Recommendations for Boston Logan Airport Community Noise Reduction
- Delayed Deceleration Approach Procedure Noise Modeling Validation using Noise Measurements and Radar Data
- Modeling of Delayed Deceleration Approaches for Community Noise Reduction
- Community Noise Assessment of Hybrid-Electric Aircraft Using Windmilling Drag on Approach
- Evaluation of the Impact of Transport Jet Aircraft Approach and Departure Speed on Community Noise
- Community Noise Reduction Assessment of Using Windmilling Drag on Approach by Hybrid Electric Aircraft
- Systems Analysis of Community Noise Impacts of Advanced Flight Procedures for Conventional and Hybrid Electric Aircraft
- Advanced Operational Procedure Design Concepts for Noise Abatement
- Approach for Representing the Aircraft Noise Impacts of Concentrated Flight Tracks
- Block 1 Procedure Recommendations for Logan Airport Community Noise Reduction
- Aircraft Noise Modeling of Dispersed Flight Tracks and Metrics for Assessing Impacts
- Framework for Analyzing Aircraft Community Noise Impacts of Advanced Operational Flight Procedures
- Data-Driven Flight Procedure Simulation and Noise Analysis in a Large-Scale Air Transportation System
- Modeling the Effects of Aircraft Flight Track Variability on Community Noise Exposure
- Comparison of Methods for Evaluating Impacts of Aviation Noise on Communities
- Modeling Performance and Noise of Advanced Operational Procedures for Current and Future Aircraft
- Analytical Approach for Quantifying Noise from Advanced Operational Procedures
- Investigation of Aircraft Approach and Departure Velocity Profiles on Community Noise
- Analysis of Approach Stability and Challenges in Operational Implementation of RNP Approach Procedures
- Delayed Deceleration Approach Noise Assessment