white clouds above silhouette of clouds at day

PARTNER Projects


Project 1 | Low Frequency Noise Study
Project 2 | Source Emission and Propagation
Project 8 | Sonic Boom Mitigation
Project 10 | Outreach
Project 19 | Health Effects of Aircraft Noise
Project 24 | Noise Exposure Response: Annoyance
Project 25 | Noise Exposure Response: Sleep Disturbance
Project 26 | Sound Transmission Indoors — Integrated Windows
Project 35 | Open Rotor Noise Impact On Airport Communities
Project 38 | Sound Transmission Indoors – Study of Whole Houses
Project 44 | Aviation-Related Noise Effects on the Elderly


Project 3 | Valuation and Trade-offs of Policy Options
Project 13 | Lateral Alignment in Complex Systems
Project 14 | Environmental Design Space
Project 28 | Environmental cost-benefit analysis of alternative jet fuels
Project 30 | Metrics for an Aviation CO2 Standard
Project 31 | Understanding the Relationship Between Aviation Economics and the Broader Economy
Project 36 | EDS Capability Demonstration for Assessing the CLEEN Program
Project 42 | Development and Evaluation of Climate Metrics
Project 48 | Development of a Distributed Approach to System Level Uncertainty Quantification


Project 4 | Continuous Descent Arrival
Project 5 | En Route Traffic Optimization to Reduce Environmental Impact
Project 6 | Land Use Management and Airport Controls
Project 18 | Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums
Project 21 | Airport Surface Movement Optimization
Project 22 | Objective Measures to Support Airspace Management
Project 23 | Network Restructuring Scenarios for ATO Forecasts
Project 32 | Near-Term Operational Changes
Project 39 | Terminal Area Aircraft Simulation Tools Evaluation
Project 40 | Continuous Descent Arrival National Operational Feasibility
Project 43 | Analysis of Missions Specifications


Project 9 | Measurement of Emissions
Project 11 | Health Impacts of Aviation-Related Air Pollutants
Project 12 | Emissions’ Atmospheric Impacts
Project 15 | Aircraft Impact on U.S. Local and Regional Air Quality
Project 16 | Investigation of Aviation Emissions Air Quality Impacts
Project 20 | Emissions Characteristics of Alternative Aviation Fuels
Project 29 | Emissions Characteristics of Modern/Future Aviation Sources
Project 30 | Metrics for an Aviation CO2 Standard
Project 31 | Understanding the Relationship Between Aviation Economics and the Broader Economy
Project 33 | Isotopic Analysis of Airport Air Quality
Project 34 | International Collaborative Emissions Studies
Project 37 | Non-volatile particulate matter – SAE E31 Aerospace Recommended Practice research issues
Project 41 | Aircraft Black Carbon Emissions
Project 42 | Development and Evaluation of Climate Metrics
Project 45 | Aviation System Air Quality Performance Analysis
Project 46 | Aviation System Global Climate Performance Analysis


Project 17 | Alternative Fuels
Project 20 | Emissions Characteristics of Alternative Aviation Fuels
Project 27 | Environmental cost-benefit analysis of ultra low sulfur jet fuels
Project 28 | Environmental cost-benefit analysis of alternative jet fuels
Project 47 | Alternative Jet Fuel Sustainability